Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hebrews 2:5-9 “But…” What Do You See?



(v9) “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.”

(v9) “But…”

Interesting sequence of reasoning and thought on defining who Jesus really is. It is true that when Jesus is viewed in an objective matter, that he was limited by certain restraints. Some having to do with him having to embody a bodily form (notice to play on words), and others having to do with God not revealing everything to him as one thought. I cannot presume with certainty that Jesus while he was on earth, knew what was happening in China at the same instance as would God is able to. Yes, as with physical restraint Jesus was not able to perform some of the attributes of God, but not just owing to the physical restraint, but as Jesus say in referring to his second coming, ‘Only my Father in heaven knows.’ (I know I hacked that verse and the whole paragraph but hey I’m only human).

The point is however, that although we see and read all the things that Jesus has done on earth for our salvation, people will still consider him to be for something that he is not. On many levels, Jesus nowadays is being considered to be on par with the likes of Buddha, Socrates, Muhammad and Confucius. And it is true that these men like Jesus were great man. These men and many other have forever changed how we think and behave even to this day and for days yet to come. And yes, Jesus when sent to earth “…was made a little lower than the angels…”

“But…” We, the Christian, see more than that in Jesus. As verse nine declares, “…we see Jesus…” I challenge myself, ‘Do I see Jesus?’ Do I see him for what he really is? Not just a teacher, not just a philosopher, not just a leader, not just a mentor. “But…” for what he really is?

“…now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.” His death on the cross, his weakest moment in ‘life,’ was his crowning moment. For his death on the cross, was his reason for ‘life.’ And in doing so by God’s grace we have access to salvation. By faith we see what we once could not see. Praise God.

“But…” what do you see?


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